Gorey Cricket Club Constitution
1.0 Name of Club
1.1 The club shall be called:
Gorey Cricket Club
2.0 Aims of Club
2.1 To foster the game of cricket amongst girls, boys, ladies and gentlemen in the North County Wexford area, and to encourage the enjoyment of the game of cricket in the wider community.
2.2 To offer coaching and competitive opportunities in Cricket.
2.3 To ensure a duty of care to all members of the club.
2.4 To provide all its services in a way that is respectful to everyone.
2.5 To ensure that all present and future members are treated in a dignified manner, and in line with equality legislation.
2.6 The club shall maintain as many persons playing the game of cricket as possible in pursuance with Article 2.1.
3.0 Membership of Club
3.1 The club shall be open to all persons who wish to play or have an interest in the game of cricket.
3.2 Members of the club shall abide by the constitution of the club and shall obey the rules of the club and the code of behaviour of the club.
3.3 The club shall have the right to refuse or withdraw membership to any person. The reasons for refusing or withdrawing membership, and the procedure for dealing with complaints is outlined in the Procedural Manual.
3.4 The club shall include Full Members, Non-Playing Members, Junior Members, Guardian Members and Honorary Members.
3.4.1 Full Members of the club shall be those persons who are 18 years or over on the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and have fully paid their appropriate subscription for the previous year or forthcoming year.
3.4.2 Non-Playing Members of the club shall be those persons who are 18 years or over on the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), who are actively involved in the club and not available for selection for a team and have fully paid their appropriate subscription for the previous year or forthcoming year.
3.4.3 Junior Members of the club shall be those persons who are under 18 years on the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and have fully paid their appropriate subscription for the previous year or forthcoming year.
3.4.4 Guardian Members of the club shall be those persons who are parents or Guardians of Junior members and who are 18 years or over on the day of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and who are actively involved in the club and not available for selection for a team and have fully paid their appropriate subscription for the previous year or forthcoming year.
3.4.5 Honorary Members (except President) are those persons who have been proposed by the Committee and elected as Honorary Members by the AGM or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). Honorary Members shall be elected for life.
3.5 Only members as defined in Article 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.4 and 3.4.5 shall be eligible to take office or vote at an AGM or EGM.
3.6 Membership fees will be set annually and determined at the Annual General Meeting. Fees will be paid by annual subscription.
4.0 Administration of the Club
4.1 The club shall be administered by a Committee which shall be elected by the AGM and the Committee shall have absolute discretion in the administration of the club.
4.2 The AGM shall be held between the 1st day of October and the last day of October of every year.
4.2 The Committee shall convene one annual general meeting (AGM) of all committee members within each calendar year at a place and time which in their opinion is most acceptable to the general membership
4.3 The AGM shall elect a Committee to administer the club until the next AGM.
4.4 The date, time and venue of the AGM shall be decided by the Committee in accordance with Article 4.2.
4.5 The Notice of the AGM shall include the date, time, venue and agenda of the AGM as set by the Committee. The Committee shall not add any item to the Agenda after this time.
4.6 Any other item on the agenda shall have to be notified to the Secretary at least 5 days before the AGM and be proposed by a member of the club and seconded by four other members.
4.7 The Committee shall give the members 21 (twenty-one) day notice of the holding of the AGM.
4.7 A notice period of 21 (twenty-one) days be given to the members in calling the AGM, which shall detail the date and venue of the meeting. A copy of the said notice is to be made public by an appropriate public forum suitable to inform all members of the public of the upcoming AGM.
4.8 The Committee.
The Committee shall consist of the following:-
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Welfare/Liaison Officer
- 2 Other Committee Members
4.8.1 The Committee can co-opt up to 2 members if and when the committee deems it necessary or desirable.
4.9 The Definition of role of Committee Members.
4.9.1 The Chairperson shall be responsible for the fostering of the game of cricket in the club. S/he shall also chair all meetings of the committee. The Chairman or her/his deputy shall have the casting vote in any tied vote of the Committee or of any AGM or EGM or disciplinary matter. Should the Chairperson be absent the Committee shall elect a Chairperson for that meeting. (If the Secretary is appointed to Chair a meeting in the absence of the Chairman, then a secretary must be appointed to take minutes of that meeting.)
4.9.2 The Secretary shall take minutes and keep records of all committee meetings, AGM’s and EGM’s and shall present same at each subsequent committee meeting and AGM and in the case of any EGM, the minutes shall be presented to the next AGM. The secretary shall furnish within 14 days, minutes of the last committee meeting to the committee members. The agenda for the next committee meeting shall be mailed or emailed to committee members 7 days prior to the meeting. The Secretary shall also prepare an annual report on the activities of the club for presentation to the AGM and for the approval of the AGM
4.9.3 The Treasurer shall maintain all accounts and records and shall open, close and maintain all bank accounts as necessary. The Treasurer shall also prepare an annual financial report and accounts for the approval of the AGM and any reports or accounts as requested by the Committee.
4.9.4 The Welfare/Liaison Officer will be a member of the Complaints Resolution Sub-Committee and have done the Child Officer course. The Welfare/Liaison Officer will ensure that all Junior coaches meet the required standards.
4.9.5 Other committee members may serve in any capacity as decided by the Committee.
4.10 The quorum for the AGM and EGM shall be 30% of the total number of voting members.
4.11 The quorum for the Committee meeting shall be 3 (three).
4.12 An EGM can be called by the Committee or by any 10 members who can request the Committee to call an EGM. The call for an EGM shall be in writing and shall include the agenda and shall be signed by the members concerned.
4.13 All votes at an EGM and an AGM shall be by a show of hands, save as provided by 5.2. The Chairman or his deputy shall have the casting vote in any tied vote of the Committee or of any AGM or EGM or disciplinary matter.
4.14 All votes shall require a majority of all those present and voting, as provided by the Constitution.
5.0 Election of Committee
5.1 The Committee for the new year shall be elected at the AGM
5.2 All elections for Committee shall be by secret ballot. If 3 (three) or more persons are nominated and no one person obtains more than 50% of the vote of those present and voting, the person with the least votes shall be eliminated and a further election shall take place. This process shall continue until one person obtains an overall majority. Those nominated for election shall be deemed to be voting for themselves in the secret ballot as one vote cast for themselves.
5.3 Nominations for the Committee must be notified in writing to the Secretary 24 hours before the AGM. If no nominations are received then committee members may be elected during the AGM. Any nominations must be proposed by a member and seconded by another member.
5.3 Those seeking nomination as Officers are requested to make known their willingness to stand at the commencement of the Annual General Meeting. Standing Officers are expected to offer themselves for re-election where there is no nomination for his or her post.
5.4 No person can serve in two posts on the committee at one time.
5.5 The AGM or EGM shall determine all appropriate subscriptions, levies or other monies to be contributed by the membership.
5.6 Members
stand for a place on the Committee. Roles for the Committee are decided at the
first Committee meeting by the Committee.
6.0 Club Finances
6.1 All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.
6.2 The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.
6.3 An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
6.3 An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting. Annual statement of Income and Expenditure shall be kept and made available to the Revenue Commissioners on request
6.4 Any cheques drawn against club funds should hold 2 out of 3 of the signatures of Members of the Committee.
6.5 No portion of the club’s income and property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise howsoever by way of profit, to the members of the club. No Officer shall be appointed to any office of the club paid by salary or fees, or receive any remuneration or other benefit in money’s worth from the club.
6.6 If upon the winding-up or dissolution of the club there remains, after the satisfaction of all the debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, it shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the body
7.0 Committee Meetings
7.1 There shall be at least 5 committee meetings during the term of each committee.
7.2 The term of each committee shall run from the conclusion of one AGM to the conclusion of the AGM of the following year.
7.3 The secretary shall convene all Committee Meetings.
7.4 The secretary shall give reasonable notice to Committee Member for convening a Committee meeting.
7.5 Any grievances or disciplinary matters within the club must be brought in writing to the secretary, who will initiate the Complaints Resolution Procedure as outlined in the Procedural Manual.
7.6 The committee shall appoint any sub-committees or shall delegate responsibilities as its sees fit or co-opt any Committee member as it sees fit. Each sub-committee must contain a member of the Committee.
8.0 Alteration of the Constitution
8.1 All alterations, amendments, deletions or additions shall only be made at a properly convened EGM or by a notice of motion proposed and recorded by 5 members and lodged with the Secretary 14 days before the AGM.
8.2 Any motion to alter the constitution must be carried by a two thirds majority of those present and voting.